Saturday, 22 February 2014



I visited China for the first time in 2008, the year of the Beijing Olympics, with a chip on my shoulder and a frown on my face. I had been working and living in New York and Chicago for the past five years offering management consulting to banks with their offices on the Wall Street or downtown Chicago – thus explaining the “chip” on the shoulder. As a person of Indian origin, I was biased with the Aksai Chin border issue from the India-China war in 1962, albeit that was before I was born. Besides, I didn't know any Mandarin and no one had turned up to pick me up at the arrival lounge of the Beijing airport – thus explaining the “frown” on my face.

At the phone booth, my frown turned into a grimace, as I realized I couldn't even read the Chinese instructions to make a phone call! Fortunately my blackberry picked up the local network and I could call Jason Huang, the organizer of the conference who had assured me that he had arranged for the pickup. He apologized and said he would send someone right away. As I waited for my ride, I was looking around. The first thing I noticed was the crowd as a whole was very wealthy. The second was that everyone was in an overcoat or a winter jacket. I glanced outside. It was snowing.

I had obviously not done my homework. If you draw a straight line through Beijing all the way to the West, it would pass through Rome. However, Beijing is usually a lot colder than the Mediterranean weather, because Rome doesn't quite get those cold Siberian winds blowing south from Russia. In Mandarin, “Bei” means North and “Jing” means city. Beijing is the city in the North. “Nan” means South so Nanjing is the big city in the south.

"Sorry we are late." Two Chinese students were standing smiling at me, bowing slightly. They were shorter, fairer and skinnier than me. One of them introduced herself as Maggie and the other as Tess. I learned then that every Chinese has an English name bearing no resemblance to their Chinese name. Maggie was actually Ling Hong Mien. She was a student volunteer helping to orchestrate the conference; making sure that all the international guests were received, checked in at the hotel and were looked after. Naturally, she spoke English. I learnt through my conversations with Maggie, that Mandarin isn’t easy to learn. One of the reasons for that is Mandarin is highly context and tone sensitive. For example “xie xie” meaning thank you, if mispronounced can mean something completely different!

As we got on the bus to our hotel, I was trying to impress Maggie by telling her that most Indians are multi-lingual, as in my case I could speak English (as a business language), Hindi (as the national language of India), and Marathi (my mother-tongue). Therefore, Indians naturally find it easier to learn new languages. She was grinning. I asked her to teach me something in Mandarin. As I learnt to say “xie xie”, Maggie was not impressed. She said one of the mistakes you foreigners always do, is you try to adjust your pitch rather than the tone. It doesn’t matter what pitch you use. It’s important to get the tone right. The first “xie” is to be pronounced as the 4th tone and the second “xie” as the 1st tone. This makes the first "xie" quick, sharp and a downward sound while the second "xie" is a monotone drawn out sound. If I couldn’t even get a simple “thank you” right after fifteen minutes of practice I had no hope of learning Mandarin any time soon…

I tried to find out what Ling Mien knew about India and was disappointed. She told me that most Chinese know very little about India. They do not love or hate India. Most in Beijing have never seen any Indians and don't think about them. In our geography at school, she said we study more about Russia, the Koreas, Japan, Mongolia, Taiwan and the Asian countries of Tajikistan, Ukraine, Turkmenistan and Kazakhstan. Of course, she was talking about the countries bordering China, so that made sense. The one thing they like about India, she said, was the freedom Indians have as the world’s largest democracy. She wanted to know if Indians also married the same way most Chinese did – i.e. family arranged marriages.

Both the girls were not natives of Beijing but from Dalian, a city north east of Beijing. It's a lot colder there, Tess said. Dalian is near the border with North Korea and is the closest part of China to Japan. So there is a lot of import-export business with the Koreas and Japan. She confirmed that Chinese haven't forgotten about the 1937 war with Japan. 

After about an hour, we arrived at the Jiu Hua Spa and Resort. The resort was massive with twelve identical buildings each fourteen storeyed, a shopping mall, several warm swimming pools, a fully equipped gymnasium and sports center, a spa and massage center and a monorail that connected all of these. I was participating in an industry seminar about designing anything with the objective of improving the user experience using the principles of User Centric Design. Seven hundred people attended the seminar; among them five hundred Chinese students. Later that afternoon, I was pampered for two hours in the hot springs, followed by foot massage and a full body massage.

The inaugural ceremony and the first keynote speech were in Mandarin. Fortunately, they had electronic translators plugged into our ears so we roughly knew what was going on. I had attended some big conferences in my life but the scale of this central hall was intimidating! There were 90 tables each with 10 chairs and the hall was half empty.

Several communist party leaders were on the stage and one of them was talking about the current 5 year development plan of China. "We are the world's factory", he said. "We've conquered the world in demonstrating our ability to manufacture just about anything consistently, repeatably and reliably on a massive scale. China now turns it’s focus to services, innovation and internationalization." 

"In our last 5 year plan", he continued. "95% of our infrastructure projects completed on time" I felt an impulse to clap, but stopped short realizing no one was clapping. For someone who had lived in India, USA and the UK, 95% infrastructure projects completing on time was an amazing statistic that needed applauding. May be they clap only at the end of a speech in China, I thought to myself. The party leader continued. "I am deeply embarrassed that 5% of our infrastructure projects did not finish on time and within budget. So in this 5 year plan, we have revised our target to 98%."

I was flabbergasted. I knew that in the 60 years of sovereign India's history since 1947, if ever there had been a 5 year plan where even 60% of our projects completed – forget timeliness and budget overruns – the government of India would blow their trumpet and her citizens would applaud.

I couldn't focus on the words any more…There was determination in the eyes of the party leader. There was a certain discipline with which the five hundred Chinese students were listening and making copious notes. Notes! Of a politician’s speech!

The entire speech was focused about China's financial, technological, industrial and infrastructure growth. There were no religious issues, no cast based reservations, no character allegations about other parties or leaders. The speech was full of pie charts and histograms of every imaginable statistic around every parameter slide after slide after slide….

"Let us emulate the model of India and the UK when it comes to services." The mention of India and UK got my attention back. "We went to Bangalore and Hyderabad last year" He said. "and saw that Indian Government is offering free land, subsidized infrastructure and utilities, special economic zones and no taxes for IT companies for 10 years. We will do better. China declares today that if any multinational IT company comes to the cities of Nanjing, Xi’an, Wuhan, Chengdu, Guangzhou or Shenzhen, we will match what India offers plus we will pay for your workforce salary for a year from the Government treasury to promote employment. Over the next 9 months, nearly 3,500 English teachers will be joining us from the UK and USA." 

As the speech progressed, my admiration for China slowly changed into awe. The leader continued. "For Innovation, we will follow the South Korea and Japanese model…For Internationalization, we are encouraging our State owned Enterprises (equivalent to the  Public Sector Units in India) to go and acquire major international corporations throughout the world. We need to leverage the dollar surplus China has since it has started to put lot of pressure on the Yuan. If Yuan goes up, our exports will be negatively affected." The second keynote speech was about how China produced 3 times the number of Engineering graduates per year compared to India and how their salaries are from 50 to 80% less than their Indian counterparts.” By now, my awe was getting replaced with insecurity and fear. 

During the next week of my stay, China continued to surprise me in many ways. Beijing was very traditional Chinese, while Shanghai which I visited next, was a lot more Westernised. The infrastructure in both cities was truly amazing. On the second day, we went to see the infamous Tiananmen Square in downtown Beijing. All taxi drivers in Beijing were required to take a daily mandatory class in English. Each taxi had a picture of an American man and a Chinese lady with their hands tied by a rope, and the picture said "English First". If the taxi driver could not submit proof that he took the English class that day, he would be off the street the following day. Imagine implementing something like that in any democratic set up. China wanted their taxi drivers to be able speak at least one hundred English sentences by the time Olympics began.

On the third day in Beijing, we sneaked out of the conference for a couple of hours to visit the Great Wall of China. I had read it was first built around 800 B.C. and it is 6,400 Kilometers long; apparently the only man made construction visible from the outer space. Most of the wall was repaired and rebuilt in the 16th century. The wall is about 50 feet tall and 40 feet wide. But the discipline to execute a project of this scale 2,800 years ago, tells you something about the organization, perseverance and determination of the people of China. I bought a souvenir tee-shirt and a hand painting of the great wall. The asking price was 200 Yuan. I bargained and bought for 30. 

I made more Chinese student friends during the course of the seminar. They told me about the the ‘Donghai bridge project’. East China sea outside Shanghai is too shallow for big ships to dock. Realizing this, the Shanghainese government built a port 31 Kilometers outside Shanghai in the sea where large ships of four hundred meters long could dock. The only problem was, how do you get the cargo to and from Shanghai? So they built the world's longest sea bridge – the Donghai bridge. By 2005, Shanghai seaport transported half a billion tonnes of cargo, thus becoming the world's busiest port!

The students also told me about the ‘Three Gorges dam’ project on the Yangtse river. When complete, it would be the world's biggest hydro-electric plant giving China 22,500 MW of clean power. Some 1.4 million villagers were impacted by this project because its catchment area was nearly 600 Kilometers long. So the government quietly built an entire city with new homes, schools, hospitals and then one day gave notice to the villagers with the address of their new home. The story is, they were given 'weeks' to relocate. The notice said, you're strongly advised to move well within the time-frame, because the government will bulldoze your houses exactly at the date specified, hopefully without you in them! Most of the relocation was completed in record time and the dam now provides water to three provinces of China. 

As I heard the story, I was reflecting about a very similar ‘Narmada river dam’ project in India, which languished for over 25 years. A famous leader called Medha Patkar from India and environmentalist lobbies protested for years against that project!

I am not endorsing the communist model. I would be completely out of my depth to even comment about the social, political and economic comparisons with any degree of authority. But seeing the infrastructure and the positive impact the communist party was making on the lives of common citizens of China, I was no longer sure that the chaos of a multi party coalition government leading the world's largest electorate of India, bogged down by the weight of its own constitution – was actually a better model. The communist party of China may not be exactly seeking “consensus” of the Chinese people. But it sure is transforming their quality of life and with a great sense of urgency!

Of course there is the other side of China. They say there are the “3 forbidden Ts”. Chinese don’t wish to talk about them. They are - Tiananmen Square, Tibet and Taiwan. These are sticky and sore issues. I had heard that if you surfed the web that had any discussion about Tibet or Taiwan, those websites would be banned. So I made an experiment. Sitting in my hotel room, I surfed five sites which contained discussions on the 3Ts. By the following morning, all of them were no longer accessible to me. Every other site I could get to, but not these five. That was pretty scary!

I couldn’t visit Wikipedia either. When I discussed with the students during one of the breaks, they laughed. They confirmed it was true, but they said there are ways. Most Chinese companies have their network servers in Hong Kong or Taiwan they said, where the internet is open and the local laws cannot apply. I gently probed into the issue of Chinese government crushing Tibetan rights to worship Buddhism, the ideology to become a nation that is anti religious and atheist, rather than secular. I saw the students were deeply divided on these topics. Of course I was very sensitive to the local context and didn’t really feel polite to engage in the debate much further. 

Denying the entire population of a country to believe in anything other than the communist philosophies, can only create larger problems for China, I thought. But then that was my view, and Hu Jintao wasn’t exactly asking for my opinion…

By Sachin Kulkarni, London, 22nd February 2014.

Sunday, 16 February 2014

The Artist from Sarasota

 The Artist from Sarasota, Florida

Art Emrich is my friend, philosopher and guide. Outside of my parents, wife and daughter, he is the person I have laughed most with, learnt most from, and has advised me on most occasions.

By the way, I don’t say this lightly. For someone like me – an extroverted alpha male in his forties, working for one of the world’s largest multinationals, I have been privileged to meet and socialise with a lot of wise and interesting people – in the innumerable offsites and workshops I participated in, during my MBA course with a premier business school in London, on numerous long haul flights, at airport lounges and whilst on vacation. But Art is different from all of them. Way different!

I met Art for the first time in a professional context. I was a Manager based out of Pune, India in a mid-sized IT consulting organisation called Kanbay. Art was the Americas head of HR and was invited to conduct a course called ‘Consulting with Clients’. It was a fascinating course – where Art did role plays of various client personality stereotypes namely: “Expressive”, “Driver”, “Analytical” and “Amiable”. Through those role plays he taught us how to build a rapport, how to flex your own style to build intimacy with clients and some excellent techniques to understand clients through natural dialogue and open ended questions. Art taught the course with finesse. He had a special kit of props and makeup as he would disappear for five minutes to re-emerge completely transformed into a different personality, ready for the next role play. The two days were more like being on stage with him acting in an intense drama, rather than passive learning in a classroom. Over the years, I became a certified trainer and must have taught the course to hundreds of professionals – albeit nowhere nearly as effective and fun as Art teaching it. It’s probably like the difference between watching a famous act in an amateur cast versus the original.

As the country head of HR, Art had worked in his previous life for DuPont and lived in at least fifteen countries in Asia. Therefore, apart from his extensive knowledge on consulting, mentoring and coaching frameworks, he has a lot of interesting personal stories and anecdotes to tell.

One of the many passions I share with Art, is doing imitations. I grew up as a child winning elocution and drama competitions. So when I was living and working in upstate New York, Chicago and Wisconsin – Art and I became famous for imitating our colleagues and senior leaders of the organisation we worked for. We did joint mimicry at various offsites and annual events. I have never had so much fun. We laughed until we cried as we saw our audiences roll on the floor. Art was the de facto CEO – ‘Chief Entertainment Officer’. And I was fast becoming his succession plan, as he considered retirement. 

Eventually we parted ways. I moved back to the UK and Art retired and moved to Sarasota, in sunny Florida. But it was impossible for Art to retire. He pursued a Doctorate in Hypnosis. We kept in touch on-and-off on LinkedIn and Facebook until at the back of one of our family vacations in Disneyland Orlando, we decided to visit Art.
I was meeting Art after nearly a decade. He was now in his mid sixties but had hardly changed. I asked him how he had been. He said, “Well, I have had some trouble with my kidneys. So I put them in a hypnotic trance and talked some sense into them. Eventually they were cured.” He smiled through his eyes as he ate a deep pan Pizza cooked in extra virgin olive oil topped with jalapeƱos. You can never tell when Art is serious and when he’s being facetious. But I believed him.

After lunch we went to the bay where his shiny eighteen foot yacht was waiting to host us. Her name was ‘Work of Art’ and she was a beauty. Art showed off the auto-navigation equipment he had recently fitted on as per of her refurbishment. We could see sonar images of little fish swimming under the boat about four inches in size as we headed out of the bay. They got incrementally bigger than a foot as Art accelerated into the Gulf of Mexico. Nearer the coast line, we watched huge pelicans dive straight into the clear light green waters to catch fish. “They calculate the speed of the dive, the precise speed of the moving fish and are highly accurate. However, eventually they go blind with the force of water hitting them on every dive. Then they can’t see the fish. That’s how they die.” Art informed. 

After we sailed for about half an hour, we saw the green waters of the bay intersect with the azure blue waters of the gulf. The breeze was now stronger and the waves less gentle. Venturing out in the open sea, away from the coast guard, as we swayed from side to side, I suddenly realised how small and lonely our boat was. I exchanged a nervous glance with my wife as she made sure our four year old daughter’s life jacket was secure. Art looked at both of us and smiled through his eyes. “We are almost there.” He said perceptively. A couple of nautical miles from that spot, we approached a beautiful white sand bar island, no more than a hundred metres in length and less than fifty metres wide. There was nothing on it except a few seagulls. Art put the anchor down and we tugged the boat to dock on the sandbar.

The seagulls and pelicans flew off to their nests well before the Sun set. Apart from the sea waves, it was now very quiet. We put up the tent, nailed the pegs and were ready with popped soda cans to watch the glorious sun set. 
Invariably, I found myself catching up on all the lost time with Art. Art told me about the new institute he had founded and his work as a personal coach. He said he was mentoring a budding Tiger Woods. “He’s a teenager, half Italian half black and is wining all the Golf tournaments at his age group at the state and national levels.

“But…” I interrupted. “As far I remember Art, you never played Golf?”

“You’re right Sachin. I don’t. My mentee has another professional coach who corrects his swing. But Golf is hardly about the eighteen holes. Consistently improving your handicap is all about what happens in your mind, between those holes. This is where I help a little.”

It was now pitch dark under a clear Floridian sky. On a night like this, you realise how little we see even on clear nights from the terraces of our homes with all the glow of the big cities we live in. With the fresh breeze in our face and the feel of soft smooth sand, we sat silent for a while, propped on our elbows looking at the milky way galaxy above. It was magical!

Very reluctantly, we headed back as we had not packed to spending the night and had a young child with us. On the way back, I told Art that as much as I admired his coaching skills, as a completely rational person I did not really believe in hypnosis. Of course my exposure to hypnotism was limited to watching a Woody Allen comedy movie ‘Curse of the Jade Scorpion’ and I was talking to a doctorate on the subject. Art told me he had combined his coaching techniques with his new found conviction in hypnosis to work with terminally ill patients. “You are right Sachin. If someone has a cancer, they need advanced medical treatment. Hypnosis cannot cure them. However, I work with their belief system to the point where most of them believe they’ve got something as common as a cold or flu. That belief helps them deal with the cancer much better.” 

Art’s work with the terminally ill is now so famous in Florida, that some of the leading cancer research institutes and hospitals in USA are now calling on his help to formalise the approach as alternative medicine to aid the effectiveness of radiation and other conventional treatment options. I am amazed at the deep and profound impact this man continues to make on so many lives in so many different ways.

A few days ago, I got an email from Art inviting me and several common friends to a three day workshop on Daytona beach Florida this summer to learn self-hypnosis. I am still not sure about hypnosis but I know it will be a lot of fun! So I’m planning to be there.

My daughter is now ten. What is incredible is that she has forgotten about her Disneyland vacation but still remembers the evening on the sandbar. Now that is work of Art.

by Sachin Kulkarni, London 16th February 2014.